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My Big ToeMy Big Toe: A Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics: Awakening, Discovery, Inner Workings’ by Tom Campbell,
The Complete My Big Toe Trilogy. My Big TOE, written by a nuclear physicist in the language contemporary culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds is brought together under one seamless scientific understanding.
If you have a logical, open and inquisitive mind – an attitude of scientific pragmatism that appreciates the elegance of fundamental truth and the thrill of breakthrough – you will enjoy this journey of personal and scientific discovery.
This trilogy delivers the next major scientific conceptual breakthrough since relativity and quantum mechanics raised scientific eyebrows in the first half of the twentieth century. No catch, no megalomania, no hypothetical wackiness, no goofy believe, no unusual assumptions – just straight forward science that better describes the totality of our experience and provides a wealth of practical results and new understanding that can be applied personally and professionally by scientists and nonscientists alike. This is the real thing.
Tom was also a scientist employed by Bob Monroe to help him conduct his experiments in a scientifically manner. In return, Bob learned him how to experience an OBE.

You can find Tom also on YouTube, and his website
This is just the first of 13 hours… You can find the Powerpoint presentation of this lecture on his My-Big-Toe website…

Stalking the Wild PendulumStalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness’ by Itzhak Bentov,
In his exciting and original view of the universe, Itzhak Bentov has provided a new perspective on human consciousness and its limitless possibilities. Widely known and loved for his delightful humor and imagination, Bentov explains the familiar world of phenomena with perceptions that are as lucid as they are thrilling. He gives us a provocative picture of ourselves in an expanded, conscious, holistic universe.
The Stargate ChroniclesThe Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy’ by Joe McMoneagle.
Joseph McMoneagle is now known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project--Stargate. He was the only Remote Viewer who worked one-on-one with the out-of-body pioneer Robert Monroe, and who has achieved intelligence collection results that have never been surpassed and rarely equaled. Among his achievements:

- He described the interior of a top secret Soviet manufacturing plant and accurately predicted a new class of ship under construction--the previously unknown Typhoon Class submarine.
- He sketched the location and described the thoughts and reactions of an American kidnap victim held by the Red Brigade in Northern Italy--U.S. Army General Dozier.
- He accurately predicted when Skylab would leave orbit and where it would impact on the Earth's surface--eleven months prior to the actual event.
- After conventional reconnaissance failed, he and others were able to locate a downed Soviet bomber that had been carrying nuclear materials.

He achieved these results using scientifically designed and tested double-blind protocols. And in the years since his retirement he has continued to demonstrate these abilities on camera for national television in three countries. Yet he is still confronted with what he calls the "giggle factor"--the automatic response of many, including some who know better--to ridicule anything connected with "psychic stuff." Surprisingly, it was always that way, even during his Army years.

Was it his largely unsuspected psychic ability that helped keep him alive in Vietnam, and aided in his invaluable contributions to the cold war effort, that made McMoneagle a first-class remote viewer? Were his abilities a natural gift, or taught? How much did he owe to his near-death experience in the 1970s? And why would he give up a safe and distinguished career as an advisor to the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command to become Remote Viewer 001?
This is his story.

Mind TrekMind Trek’ by Joe McMoneagle.
Remote Viewing (RV) is the ability to perceive and describe detailed information about a remote place, person, or thing--regardless of the normal boundaries of time and space. For over 25 years it has represented the cutting edge of research into the powers of the mind.

Mind Trek provides us with insight into new perceptions and realities and gives us an understanding of how to deal with the doubts and fears of the RV learning process. By showing the effects research has had on the author as a subject, it points to consciousness as the ultimate time-machine and the mind as the gateway to human creativity. It also establishes our own clear responsibility for the design of our future.

This book also provides excellent guidelines for how to begin your own journey toward perfecting the art of Remote Viewing.

The Ultimate Time MachineThe Ultimate Time Machine’ by Joe McMoneagle.
Joseph McMoneagle is an extraordinary remote viewer, a "psychic spy," whose experiences have given him a special insight into the nature of time and human perception. For more than seventeen years, he was a researcher and remote viewer for the top-secret Army project STARGATE. For years after that, he journeyed through time while working in a consciousness-development lab with out-of-body experience pioneer Robert A. Monroe.

McMoneagle explores the questions that philosophers have for centuries debated: Does time really exist? Do our actions today really affect our future? Can we change the past? Do we slip between alternate realities? In The Ultimate Time Machine, McMoneagle delivers new insights into these mysteries, including:

First-hand information--including transcripts from lab sessions--on the origins of humanity, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the building of the Egyptian pyramids.
Provocative suggestions about the nature of time, creation, and a constantly changing past.
A detailed picture of our immediate future through the year 2075.
More than 150 very explicit predictions on world population, aging, religious fragmentation, lifestyle changes, technological developments, and dozens of major changes to laws, customs and practices--all within a positive and constructive framework.
A vision of the year 3000, comprising a test of what the author calls the "Verne Effect"--our ability to create and manipulate our future.

Remote Viewing SecretsRemote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook’ by Joe McMoneagle.
Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability to obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability, so that ordinary people can learn to do what "psychics" do.

This book teaches you how to teach yourself.

Joseph McMoneagle learned remote viewing in the U.S. Army--he was Remote Viewer #001 in the Army's Stargate program--and was awarded the Legion of Merit for his contribution to various intelligence operations. In Remote Viewing Secrets, the author of Mind Trek and The Ultimate Time Machine uses examples, exercises, and anecdotes to share what he learned and how he learned it, and gives you everything you need to begin developing your own abilities.

Remote Viewing Secrets is easily the most complete, authentic, and informative guide to remote viewing published to date.

The Reality of ESPThe Reality of ESP: A Handbook’ by Russell Targ.
On February 4, 1974, members of the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped nineteen-year-old newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst from her Berkeley, California apartment. Desperate to find her, the police called physicist Russell Targ and Pat Price, a psychic retired police commissioner. As Price turned the pages of the police mug book filled with hundreds of photos, suddenly he pointed to one of them and announced, "That's the ringleader." The man was Donald DeFreeze, who was indeed subsequently so identified. Price also described the type and location of the kidnap car, enabling the police to find it within minutes. That remarkable event is one reason Targ believes in ESP. Another occurred when his group made $120,000 by forecasting for nine weeks in a row the changes in the silver-commodity futures market

As a scientist, Targ demands proof. His experience is based on two decades of investigations at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), which he cofounded with physicist Harold Puthoff in 1972. This twenty-million dollar program launched during the Cold War was supported by the CIA, NASA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Army and Air Force Intelligence. The experiments they conducted routinely presented results could have happened by chance less than once in a million. Targ describes four types of experiments:

- Remote Viewing, in which a person describes places and events independent of space and time. For example, while in California Price drew to scale a Soviet weapons factory at Semipalitinsk with great accuracy later confirmed by Satellite photography. In another remote viewing, Targ accurately sketched an airport in San Andreas, Columbia himself.
- Distant Mental Influence, where the thoughts of the experimenter can positively or negatively affect the physiology (heart rate, skin resistance, etc.) of a distant person.
- Whole field isolation, where someone in a state of sensory isolation accurately describes the visual experiences of someone else in another place
- Precognition and retrocausality, showing that the future can affect the past. That is, the elephant you see on television in the morning can be the cause of your having dreamed about elephants the previous night.

Final chapters present evidence for survival after death; explain how ESP works based on the Buddhist/Hindu view of our selves as nonlocal, eternal awareness; discuss the ethics of exercising psychic abilities,and show us how to explore ESP ourselves. "I am convinced," Targ says, "that most people can learn to move from their ordinary mind to one not obstructed by conventional barriers of space and time. Who would not want to try that?"

Limitless MindLimitless Mind’ by Russell Targ.
The psychic abilities of most humans are dampened by the clatter of our conscious minds. In this timely book, Russell Targ shows readers how to quiet this noise and see into the far reaches of time and space through remote viewing. He also illuminates the phenomena of intuitive medical diagnosis and distant healing in a groundbreaking synthesis of research and empirical data.

Drawing on a broad range of spiritual traditions, Targ demonstrates that these psychic abilities offer a path of self-inquiry and self-realization and have the power to expand each person’s limited awareness into the consciousness shared by all beings. Targ explores the scientific and spiritual implications of remote viewing, as well as offering practical techniques and exercises to nurture this universally available but often untapped skill.

Mind-ReachMind-Reach’ by Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff.
Mind-Reach is the book that led to the U. S. Army's psychic spy program and the subsequent prominence of remote viewing. The protocols that physicists Targ and Puthoff developed at the Stanford Research Institute are still in use today and have proven again and again in laboratory settings that psychic ability is universal.
Mind to MatterMind to Matter’ by Dawson Church.
Every creation begins as a thought, from a symphony to a marriage to an ice cream cone to a rocket launch. When we have an intention, a complex chain of events begins in our brains. Thoughts travel as electrical impulses along neural pathways. When neurons fire together they wire together, creating electromagnetic fields. These fields are invisible energy, yet they influence the molecules of matter around us the way a magnet organizes iron filings.

In Mind to Matter, award-winning researcher Dawson Church explains the science showing how our minds create matter. Different intentions produce different fields and different material creations. The thoughts and energy fields we cultivate in our minds condition the atoms and molecules around us. We can now trace the science behind each link in chain from thought to thing, showing the surprising ways in which our intentions create the material world.

The science in the book is illustrated by many authentic case histories of people who harnessed the extraordinary power of the mind to create.

In Mind to Matter, Dawson Church shows that these outcomes aren’t a lucky accident only a few people experience. Neuroscientists have measured a specific brain wave formula that is linked to manifestation. This "flow state" can be learned and applied by anyone. New discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology, vibration, and quantum physics connect each step in the process by which mind creates matter. They show that the whole universe is self-organizing, and when our minds are in a state of flow, they coordinate with nature's emergent intelligence to produce synchronous outcomes. The book contained over 150 photos and illustrations that explain the process, while an "Extended Play" section at the end of each chapter provides additional resources. As Mind to Matter drops each piece of the scientific puzzle into place, it leaves us with a profound understanding of the enormous creative potential of our minds. It also gives us a road map to cultivating these remarkable brain states in our daily lives.

E-SquaredE-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality’ by Pam Grout.
E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe. Yes, you read that right. It says prove.

The experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton’s laws of motion. For years, you’ve been hoping and praying that spiritual principles are true. E-Squared lets you know it for sure.

Journeys Out of the BodyJourneys Out of the Body’ by Robert Monroe.
The definitive work on the extraordinary phenomenon of out-of-body experiences, by the founder of the internationally known Monroe Institute.

Robert Monroe, a Virginia businessman, began to have experiences that drastically altered his life. Unpredictably, and without his willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a "second body" to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life. He was inhabiting a place unbound by time or death.

"Monroe's account of his travels, Journeys Out of the Body, jam-packed with parasitic goblins and dead humans, astral sex, scary trips into mind-boggling other dimensions, and practical tips on how to get out of your body, all told with wry humor, quickly became a cult sensation with its publication in 1971, and has been through many printings. Whatever their 'real' explanation, Monroe's trips made for splendid reading." —Michael Hutchinson, author of Megabrain

"Robert Monroe's experiences are probably the most intriguing of any person's of our time, with the possible exception of Carlos Castaneda's." —Joseph Chilton Pierce, author of Magical Child

"This book is by a person who's clearly a sensible man and who's trying to tell it like it is. No ego trips. Just a solid citizen who's been 'out' a thousand times now and wants to pass his experiences to others." —The Last Whole Earth Catalog

Adventures Beyond the BodyAdventures Beyond the Body’ by William Buhlman.
Explore new worlds... If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you've ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and longer to go alone for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you.

America's leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime'and beyond. Travel into parallel realities...

William Buhlman has trained out-of-body travelers in his workshop for more than a decade, teaching people how to project their consciousness outside the limits of their physical bodies and to explore dimensions and worlds beyond everyday life.

Now he vividly recounts how own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel'including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences.

Discover surprising truths about reality, past lives, the soul, and life after death. Astral travel, Buhlman reveals, not only can expand your conscious'it can help verify the existence of the soul, teach you about past lives, and enhance your daily life. Find out in this compelling handbook for everyone who wants to venture beyond the body and take the ultimate trip.

The Day after RosswellThe Day after Rosswell’ by Philip Corso.
A breathtaking exposé that reads like a thriller, The Day After Roswell is a stunning depiction of just what happened in Roswell, New Mexico all those years ago and how the effects of this mysterious unidentified aircraft crash are still relevant today.

Former member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and the Foreign Technology Desk in the United States Army, Colonel Philip J. Corso was assigned to work at a strange crash site in Roswell in 1947. He had no idea that his work there would change his life and the course of history forever. Only in his fascinating memoir can you discover how he helped removed alien artifacts from the site and used them to help improve much of the technology the Army uses today, such as circuit chips, fiber optics, night vision equipment, lasers and more.

Laying bare the United States government’s shocking role in the Roswell incident—what was found, the cover-up, and more—The Day After Roswell is an extraordinary memoir that not only forces us to reconsider the past, but also our role in the universe.